
Flight Path


Red River Series

From a trip down the Red River from Winnipeg to North Dakota in the summer of 2023, images gleaned from archives as well as on site drawings inform this suite of mixed media paintings on Mylar as well as large-format prints that reflect/examine my Metis Red River lineage. My father, through both his parents, did not talk about his ancestry and so much of this unearthing has been through the initiative of others. Residents of Le Mans, France, for example, began to contribute ancestry materials for those who had died during the second World War in the liberation of France.

Japan Woodcuts, Kyoto to Kanazawa

A recent trip to Japan in spring of 2023 resulted in a collection of drawings and location sketches, as well as gouache paintings. These in turn, have provided the materials for this series of woodcuts called Kyoto to Kanazawa Suite. That which to me typified certain aspects of this beautiful country, from shrines and temples to ceremonial bulls, carp and figures emerging from rain... poetry prevails. The blocks were printed in small editions (5 each) on Japanese Mulberry paper. They are available either individually or as a set.

Culture Crawl 2023!

Two new series make up my exhibition at Georgia Art Studios at the Crawl this year. The Mexican Market series, posted earlier here, is countered with coastal themes pieces, such as Up Inlet #1, and #2, Towards the Island, and Dark Sea Under. Come by during the event, Thursday Nov, 16th, and Friday Nov. 17th evenings, 5-10 pm, and Saturday and Sunday,11-6 pm. Esther and my studio is located at 884 East Georgia Street, at Campbell Avenue in Strathcona. 

Eastside Culture Crawl 2024

I am pleased to be participating in the 2024 Eastside Culture Crawl!

Two themes will be in this years exhibit at Georgia Art Studios. See my Recent page on this site for an idea of what will be on the walls. 

Two of my works from my Red River Series are curated into Crawl Preview exhibits.  More updates to follow for both Pendulum Gallery and Strangefellows Exhibition,

My studio gallery is at 884 East Georgia Street, in Strathcona. 

Hard Edge City-Paintings and Collages of the Downtown Eastside

An exhibition of recent paintings and collage work based on the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver opening soon! 

Hard Edge City-Paintings & collages of the Downtown Eastside

The Gallery at the Cultch

1895 Venables St. Vancouver B.C. Canada

Exhibition dates: August 15th-Sept. 30th 2023

In Situ painting

I have always worked on location. This is the source for almost all of my studio works as well...whether sketchbook drawing or paintings directly on site, the vitality of being there, in the elements, is critical to a spontaneous tone. This spring, i am working on paper that is primed first, in long panoramic format. Here are some work in progress photos... 

Mexican trip, sequel

Mexico is never boring or predictable.

The Gathering Suite 2022

The Gatherings Suite pays tribute to  the artists, activists, and cultures of the DTES community.  In an area frequently characterized by its tragedies, these murals shift that perception, highlighting instead the community’s cultural and activist leaders and their positive contributions. The canvas murals add to the original Gatherings triptych by Richard Tetrault completed in 2016.

Big Print Steveston 2022





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