Painting: Urban Crow

Large-tailed Crow and Moon (details)

Balancing Crows (details)

acrylic painting, canvas

From Above (details)

Edge of Chinatown-Alley #2 (details)

Edge of Chinatown-Facade (details)

Crows from Above-Dark and Light (details)

Edge of Chinatown-Alley #1 (details)

Chinatown Crows #3 (details)

Confluence (details)

Time Passages #1 (details)

collage work, recent piece

Off Main (details)

Dark and Light in Chinatown (details)

Time Passages #2 (details)

Painting, Crows, recent paintings, urban

Alley Crows-Quartet (details)

Fragments, Chinatown (details)

Time Passages #3 (details)

Country Crow, City Crow (details)